Understanding the Creation, 05 Genesis 1:24–31 If we have already realized that God’s creation Yoms from the first to the fifth were long periods of time, then, the sixth Yom…

Understanding The Creation 04 Genesis 1:20–23 At this stage, there were seas, land, vegetation, fruit trees, and signs of seasons, months and years on the earth. But the size of…

Understanding The Creation 03 Genesis 1:9–19 After the second creative YOM, the whole planet earth was still covered with waters. In order to comprehend the real meaning of the Hebrew…

Understanding The Creation 02 Genesis 1:3–8 The first two chapters of Genesis are among the most familiar portions of the Bible; therefore, many Christians think that they understand them well….

Understanding the Creation 01 Genesis 1:1–5 Regarding the origin of our planet, there have been a few beliefs and theories of how it came to existence. The majority of Christians…